June 9, 2019 Hunt of the North Gravel Grinder Hosted by Canyon Bicycles USA

Not a race, the Hunt of the North is a true test of a rider’s gravel cycling abilities. Participants will call upon skills of navigation, proficiency on dirt terrain, a readiness to support other riders, and mindfulness of their surroundings as they become “hunteurs” to collect five pieces of uniquely colored gravel, each in a different location.

2018 Hunt of the North gravel collection

2018 Hunt of the North gravel collection

With a new host location at CANYON Bicycles USA in the heart of coastal Carlsbad, June 9th, 2019 marks the second annual Hunt of the North. Join this one-of-a-kind adventure combining the best elements of gravel cycling into one memorable experience.

Just twenty-four hours before the start whistle blows, riders will receive location notes and route guidelines for their category of choice - endurance, cross, or road plus. Participants are encouraged to get in teams of two or more and plan their own course in final preparation of The Hunt.

Larissa Connors was among participants for the 2018 Hunt.

Larissa Connors was among participants for the 2018 Hunt.

Hunt of the North is supported by primary sponsors: Canyon Bicycles USA, WTB, ENVE Composites, ELIEL Cycling, Rouleur Brewing Company, GU Energy and Velofix.

Participants return to CANYON to celebrate with a fiesta filled with locally crafted tacos and beer. For those who collect all five pieces of gravel and return by the cut-off time, a ticket will be rewarded for the subsequent raffle filled with prizes from primary sponsors and partner brands.

Participants will enjoy tacos and Rouleur Brewing beers at the post-ride event party. PC: Tony Brandotti

Participants will enjoy tacos and Rouleur Brewing beers at the post-ride event party. PC: Tony Brandotti

Register now at BikeReg as spots are limited and the prices increases on May 9, 2019.

PC: Tony Brandotti

PC: Tony Brandotti